News 2

INTERVIEW: talking INTIMACY COORDINATION in the German media: SWR, BR and Edition F

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With Harvey Weinstein’s trial starting in January 2020, one can definitely feel a change within our industry - and over here in Germany, people are starting to take notice of this “new thing” called Intimacy Coordination - and the fascinating new profession of the Intimacy Coordinator.

I am both proud and humbled to be able to share this important, powerful practice, and its Intimacy Guidelines (develped by Ita O’Brien and Intimacy on Set) - in the context of the Weinstein trial, I have been interviewed by several media outlets, including Bayrischer Rundfunk, Das Ding, SWR, and Edition F. For further info, and to listen to/read my interviews, just click on the images below!

Here’s to #bestpractices and #workplacesafety for actors, so that we can create fantastic, juicy, and daring intimate content!

J x